About me

Hi, I'm Janette. I was born in England and moved to New Zealand in July 2003. A very big move to the other side of the world, having never visited New Zealand before.... and I am happy to say I love New Zealand... this is my home!!
I have loved taking photographs all of my adult life, it was only in 2012 that I ventured on a new journey. I wanted to take my photography to the next level...
I wanted to learn more about photography, learn new skills and take beautiful images, I could share...
So, with that in mind; I decided it was time to study photography, I wanted more, so I enrolled on a course. I graduated in September 2013, gaining a 'Diploma in Professional Photography'.
I love my new found skill, my passion for photography had increased... but I still had so much more to learn. So I enrolled on another course and I gained an 'Advanced Diploma in Photography' [in May 2014].
I love photography, my once dream... is now a reality!!!!
My Passion is nature... more specifically... I LOVE FLOWERS! I love nothing more than getting up close with my macro lens and getting all those details! I don't have a particular style. When I see a flower, I see what I see in my mind and what the finished image will look like.
So sometimes, you may see a very sharp image, with every single detail of a beautiful flower petal... other times I see soft and dreamy, and that's what you'll get!!
Over the last few months I have been creating surrealism pieces. I love how my creativity has changed directions.
I currently have an exhibition at the Turner Centre, Kerikeri, Northland, New Zealand.

Please check out my work, by clicking on 'Albums' on the top Botton bar, you can view a small selection of my photographs.
I can also undertake commissioned work by request, whether it was for certain flowers, pets or even 'humans'. Just send an email enquiry...

"Capturing the moments of today ... you will treasure tomorrow"

Let's talk
Janette Walker Photography
Kerikeri, Northland, New Zealand
Tel: +6421 885 496